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4000-910-628您的位置:行思教育 > GMAT > GMAT写作> GMAT作文段落如何分布?




首段---(作者的结论/建议+作者得出这个结论/建议的逻辑+我觉得这个AA是废话)注意:复述作者的结论逻辑的时候尽量使用一些替换词和变换句式,不要照抄原题. e.g. In this argument, the author concludes/suggests that...To justify his claim, the author cites the facts that...Further examination reveals that this argument is indefensible in several critical aspects.

    中间2-3段---每段攻击一个逻辑点,溪予认为尽量把作者提出的每个论点都攻击到,major reasoning errors花多点笔墨,minor的可以几个放在一段写,但是不能不写,因为要体现逻辑的完整和严密性。

    最后一段---总结全文,重新强调一编这篇文章是胡言乱语,但后GMAT考试提出改进意见。e.g. In conclusion, this argument is fallacious unless more probable factors are considered and ruled out. To strengthen his allegation, the author must first prove that....Additionally, more convincing evidence should be provided to show that...

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